americans, specifically we're talking about the lakota, the cheyenne, the arikara, the arapaho, the mandan, a couple of others i'm forgetting off the top of my head. the crow, the blackfeet as well i? don't know. anyway, recognizing the territory in exchange for, kind of, allowing safe passage for these settlers with the idea that they weren't going to stop, right? you can pass through our territory to the willamette valley. that's perfectly fine with us, in exchange for you not staying, you recognizing our land claim, and a little bit of money, that would be nice. now originally, when the treaty is negotiated, it's a 50-year annuity, right? so the idea is that until 1901, the u.s. government will be paying these tribes and nations for the right to go across their land. congress changes it to a ten-year pay scheme without telling anyone who signed the treaty. now, of course when they found out they are like, no, that's not okay. but regardless, the treaty was basically broken almost immediately, in part because people are just refusing to go the rest of the way to oregon. they are stopping