. >> lake shore avenue baptist church, 3534 lake shore manda corner of lake shore and mandana. sunday worship at 10. bible stud yates 11:30 sunday. 6:30 tuesday evening, and 10:30 wednesday mornings. and, we try to live out the beloved community welcome for all. >> amen. >> amen. >> i hope you've been with us and inspired by the two great pastors and all they bring. we lost so many people last year. entertainers and actors and activists, many levels and i thought of tony morrison, the african american woman who won the noble prize for literature in 1993. and she said that great literature along with great jazz music has three qualities. memory, history, and imagination. >> yes. >> use our emergencies manages as well as -- imagination as well as understanding the history and may our memories keep your active and alive. thanks for joining us, i am ron swisher. . >>> vertual reality is change how brain surge. it has imagey that has a 3 due view of the brain helping doctors people are and rehearse for complex surgeries resulting in safer and more precise procedures and faster recov