right here we call this maneki cat. this is a little cultural learning. in america, if i go like this, what does that mean? that means come here. but in japan, they go this way, so a little different. in america we go come here, this way, in japan, and go come here this way. so this cat is telling you to come in here. and you see at the base right here, a gold piece so the cat is telling you, come into our shop and to make money for us. i'm not sure why he had [inaudible] eyes but that's. it and japanese community has many says superstitious thing. sometimes they said the right-hand means something, the left-hand means something else. or there is a white cat, a gold cap, or a black cat, it means various things. but i'm not sure, i can't keep up with all the myths that go with the maneki cat. you look at the rooftop at the building behind me. what do you see there? you see gold fish, like? this is to ward off evil spirit. the fish is known in order to spit water. so, that's for fire protection. so if you go to nagoya, japan, at the castle, you see a simila