>> a man named manessa cutler. cutler was a minister with a church in ipswitch, massachusetts. and he went to yale university and after yale had finished a huge zillion dollar fund drive and it was successful rick eleven, the president of yale, asked me if i'd come and give a talk to the alumni and all the people who'd made this big drive such a success. and i'd given -- asked me to give the talk that launched the campaign. but to give a talk that launches a campaign is very different than giving a talk after it's succeeded because you're launching it, you're saying, we are going to climb that mountain. what do you do after you've climbed the mountain? aren't we nifty? that we have done this wonderful thing. yes, but that's not much of a subject. so i decided i would pick out three alumni who had been distinctive in their time but who have been largely neglected, forgotten. and whose achievement had nothing to do with wealth. and one of them was this man manessa cutler because he was the one that convinced the continental congress to go ahead with the northwest ordinance and th