and also, i have learned about the history of, through manilatown, the history of urban development and how it impacted our community, and that's why we're here today, unfortunately, so yeah. >> chair ronen: thank you. and then, i think supervisor stefani has a question. >> supervisor stefani: yes, thank you. one last question. this is something that i talk about a lot, the fact that in san francisco, really, even on the board of supervisors, we have so much more in common than we don't. what divides us is not as much as what, i think, unites us. and on the planning commission, things can get heated. you've been at the planning commission several times, and maybe between your colleagues on the planning commission. and for me, given what we see happening at the federal level, given what we see happening sometimes here in san francisco, i think it's so important that if we are in positions, whether or not being on elected or appointed commissions, i think we can disagree without being disagreeable. how do we deal with major conflicts and differences of opinion? honestly, i believe this be