manish singh: it will be may or june if it the bank of england i do not know if they will manage everything the u.s.. the u.s. expects it to rise but it has not gone anywhere. a soor the bank of england much so they would carry on their policy of what the government does size. brexit will weigh in on the currency. the debate around the market mover and a political debate will probably take shape as the scotland referendum. the leverage of the unknown. is that how you see it playing out? manish singh: if you follow the poll numbers we are seeing, those who want to leave eu is getting stronger. a lot of organization and funding. and some arguments as well. eud to be hitched up to which is decreasing in terms of economy or have better ties with other markets. i do not think they will lose momentum but far more series than it was six months ago. jonathan: we talk about the fx market and him playing almost exclusively. i will ask about the equity market. equity investors in the u.k. what you tell me stay away from the benchmark