he was also premier of the province of manitoba. he's a rock star, a hard act to follow. you can just ask the ambassador who has had to follow him, or others who work with him in the embassy. minic smith represents the province of ontario, our friends from mexico, everybody knows gary, and so with that, gary, we'll ask you to introduce the group. i believe general leslie is in the building. you can start and we'll get him going. >> thank you. thank you very much, scotty. please, i hope you get better soon, scotty. and you can have on our recommendation either some tequila from mexico or bourbon from the united states or good old crown royal from manitoba, canada, and we would strongly recommend that for medicinal purposes here at this discussion on trade. it is an honor to be here with all of you, and i'm going to -- i'm not going to rag the puck. i understand generalle leslie i in the room or on the way. i think he's coming. i'm going to introduce my good friend from mexico, and the -- our panelist today. the gregg gregoria gonzalez who is a founding member of monterey l