in regards to the police dertment, i spoke to officer manix and he said he would like 10:00. i said well we're goingtok for 12:00 and i think part of the solution here is to maybe condition the owners to maybe haveeofei staff back in the patio from 10:00 to 12:00. sometimes signage may not be miful and respectful but having a staff member back there should solve that issue so 12:00 is i think where it needs to be. i stointof . foation from you. >>. saidou dealt with >> can he see into the bar from his home? >> can he see into the bar? >> from his home. because i might have misunderstood him. i ought he said hischildren can see into the bar and see people drinking or is he talking about the patio? >> he's -- he told me that he wasn't happy with the signage on the fence or something, let's say maybe a logo of a beer company or something of that nature, and those signs were removed. >> and -- they were removed? >> removed. >> did you have a conversation and did you install double-pane window in his house? >> we put that offer on the table and the offer stan. if he wants them, th