which tamaras live victor let's see tamara onistratova invites us to a house in the village of mankovo klitvenskoein advance , it is impossible to live here, yes, and they are not used to receiving guests, not with their son. my things are near the hut, you see what a stove. what is there to pull out? i go to work on the sawmills, bring these boards and drown them . i sleep cold tamara sleeps right in outerwear , on this sagging sofa, hiding under linen, which has not been known for several months washing on dirty dishes on the table, households have not paid attention for a long time. but they constantly complain about lack of money. if there was money, there is nothing to cook on either. he is, but he is an empty balloon and we have. and it costs 2000 to pay for the light, too, there is nothing to lament. tamara has to use candles and kerosene. or , you know, pour it over, or whether the sweethearts, judging by the cloudy look and the characteristic darling, the mother is warmed by her son, obviously not tea. empty bottles are neatly stacked in a box near the stove. you see, words don't help me