manmar government started a citizen verification process in the state and the idea is to weed out whats illegal immigrants but they say it's a persecution tactic and we have more from a refugee camp. >> reporter: in the eyes of the government people like him do not have a legal status and he is a muslim ethnic minority but under pressure to describe himself as something else. >> i was born here in city and my father and my grandfather and many generations were born here. so i will not accept it. reporter: the government uses the term to say it describes the group as migrants from neighboring bangladesh. >> translator: there is widespread suspicion that they have illegally migrated into the country, that is why people here have been demanding they scrutinize citizenship. >> reporter: they are doing that for muslims in the state where many of the countries live abthe relationship between the buddhist and rajinga is hard and it left dozens dead and hundreds of people displaced. the government doesn't recognize them as a group and when it carried out a census in april said do not include t