they have been waging war against the indian government, the prime minister manmohan singh said on several occasions that the maoist internal security problem is the most serious india has. at the weekend we saw more security personnel killed, up to a dozen as they were escorting election officials to polling stations. and they went to the polls on saturday, as it did earlier in the week, in this 9-phase election. a landmine was the issue here, we have landmines and bombs earlier in the week as well. six security personnel killed, large bombs found by bridges in the southern belt. the problem is not just located to one area, it's located to several states, and they have threatened to continue to disrupt the election in that part of india. >> when you look at that as the backdrop to extensive elections, nearly a billion people coming out to vote. when we talk about the ruling party falling for the first time in a decade. how dig election will it be for india and how big a game changer will it be? >> i don't think think huge. one thing is the emerge of a party, that you referred to before. f