between first avenue and mannheim. a lot of your main players, a lot of your big-time drug dealers, the ones that are selling the kilos, they live in the suburbs. they don't live in the city. if someone doesn't do something about what's going on up there, it will be probably just like worse than the west side of chicago eventually because what's happening is that a lot of drug dealers from the west side are moving to this location and they're like so excited because they're making more money in this township than they were making on the west side of chicago. >> but the cook county sheriff's police are hoping to reverse that trend. they've spent the past five months building cases against two dozen targets in what's called operation room service. today, mizell walls and an undercover officer traveling in the vehicle ahead of his will buy cocaine from three of their targets. they've already met them on prior occasions through a street informant. >> be advised if it gets where i can't see him, i'll pass it off to you. >>