little manoff saw the spider in a magazine and he asked his dad to buy it because he liked it so much he does, except every time they go on a ride in the spider, little manoff within minutes falls asleep. he won't fall asleep the way he does in the spider with any other car, even if it's a luxury car. >> he's got expensive taste. >> i have never heard of a ferrari putting somebody to sleep. >> especially at 198 miles per hour. >> sounds like this kid should be in a booster seat. >> that's what i'm saying. it's dangerous. >> they probably have different laws over there. twice a day, dad takes little manoff in the car for nap time. >> wakes up in the middle of the night for a nightmare, can't go to sleep, goes for a spin in the ferrari. >> another video that dad posted of him riding in this beautiful ferrari. can you imagine being a kid and telling your dad, hey, dad, can you get this car for me and import it from france? >>> you are not going to believe what this guy can do under water. or how long he can hold his breath to make it happen. >> watch what happens if you do push it too fa