people like you and i wanted to ask you in most of the uruguay mansoor killed in this time by the military regime where actually killed in argentina. >> guest: it is like to say in your book, some sort of common market of that. something like this. latin-american countries have not been able to to read a real common market in the economy but in repression it was quite successful. >> host: you must have known hector bhutto perez to a prominent exiles from a worldwide who were both murdered in this time in the 1976. >> guest: but i was the uraguay list and the argentine and list so staying there was undecided. >> host: so it was lucky for all of us that you did get out. >> guest: i don't know, but for me it was. >> host: because you continue to write. >> guest: yes, i went to spain, barcelona and there i wrote to the odd years of exile almost 1213 years. >> host: which ever books of yours are translated in english? >> guest: a lot of of them, but for instance the memory of fire was written in this time thanks to the military dictatorships that gave me time to write. it was a very, very diffi