items on the mantelpiece, what was on the mantelpiece?> it was not just what was on about what was around it. it was in her living room. apartment in new york city. it was rent control and my mother moved in. in thatst about one apartment. it was the center for all kinds of events, political, cultural, intellectual, the piano next to the mount of these was played by leonard bernstein, for instance. tavis: that is high. when leonard bernstein was by your house to play piano -- [laughter] >> this was before he was really famous. back in the day, before the unions were powerful in the entertaining business, the new york philharmonic did not pay their musicians much. she raised money for them. she was constantly organizing, raising money for good causes, for cultural things, for political things. if you wanted to run for office on the upper west side, you had to raise -- you had to go by karen goodman's house and she would raise money for you if she liked you. there were authors in and out. the mccarthy era, before i really can remember what