as manthe redevelopment agency t subject to the city's local hiring ordinance, but the shipyard construction work to date has well exceeded the initial benchmark of 20 percent signed. we're quite closer to 50 percent signed with a great participation from bayview hunter. residents in city-wide. you will see more and graphs shortly. there is no jurisdiction in this case under local collier. it is work force development that does that. i think that was a simple oversight. the development agreements in place for the shipyard require quite robust local hire and workforce under equal opportunity program and the employment and contracting policies that are in place. the oversight is done in on a train the compliance by the redevelopment agency. as an added dimension to this, the oversight in compliance is not enough. through the development negotiations we have gotten a total of $8.9 million for work- force training, and that is in partnership with 8010 labor and ace, and the city through the work force development arm will match that money in programs and services. if i could beg the patience of