with your directory would generally be ascending at that point everything a da did was very other mantri and for him to use some rubber bands was like is this it you know eastbay months and this is all you have again my obligation is to review the case in light of wisconsin law and i've done a detailed analysis of the law of self defense is a little unique evaluation you do with police officers that is whether they had a legitimate subjectively reasonable basis to use force of obvious concern. everybody is when the number of shots fired and the way the the baton was being employed at that time whether he connected or didn't connect that's a deadly weapon and therefore wouldn't be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he'd committed a crime when he used force. understand as well you can discharge fifteen rounds in under three seconds warning. we were there at work when a police officers were equipped with revolvers they had six shots so they were trained differently fired twice and then reassess. this is. the standard is that they are not allowed to employ floors to kill they're no