technology, servicing american companies wherever ty may besupport ol is described by chase manttananker michaeurkowitz. is described without the instantaneous availabili oinformatio that corration might ve had idle funds is described without the instantaneous availabili oinformatio sitting in its accou in fra, while athe same time is described without the instantaneous availabili oinformatio sitting with possiblyin fra, an overdraft with this technogy,ay subsn. in around the worldploy cits financiaresources technology comesown to earth when it afcts your own pocket. lsatellite communication has an impact on the availabilityof perso. just as i can usemyisa card etasinhe united states, i cause my visa card while aveling overseas, again to get cash. t those activiesequire which alws the bankorhe mert and technology netwo to validate that thas a good card with sufficient credit linebehi. and technology netwo so in busiss to validate that thas a good card managementfficiey, in banking for both corporations and individuals, how important is the fieldng producviof communications to national economic growth?