here to tell us what was accomplished, manuel castro, executive director of the new immigrant community empowerment, and marcy suarez, youth organizer from make the road new york. she got to meet someone very important. we'll hear about that in a second. un placer. thank you for joining us this morning. manuel, the goal of the conference going in, and tell me if you met the goal after it was all over. >> yes, it was a fantastic conference. i mean, we had the chance to host one of the most significant and largest conferences on immigration and immigrant integration in the country. >> mm-hmm. >> we had people from all over the country, groups as diverse as chirla from california, oneamerica in seattle. so, amazing. that you want to pass on to us, that was something that you hadn't heard before in terms of initiatives, proposals, et cetera? >> yeah, well, our goal for this conference was to really have a holistic approach about immigrant integration. >> okay. >> and we heard a lot of experts, a lot of elected officials come with this same idea. we're not just looking for -- you know, yes,