Dec 5, 2023
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los dÍas parece ponerse peor. >> en otros temas que embajador de los estados unidos, en bolivia manuel rochascalÍa una corte de miami donde presentÓ un documento en el que acusa rocha de haberse infiltrado. estuvo a cargo del derribo de las avientas hermanos al rescate donde murieron cuatro civiles. >> el exembajador estadounidense vÍctor manuel rocha presuntamente es bio para cuba para 40 aÑos y sÓlo ahora lo descubrieron. [habla en inglÉs] este es uno de los casos de espionaje de mayor alcance y mÁs duraciÓn en el gobierno estadounidense . dijo el fiscal general . rocha comenzÓ su carrera en el departamento de estado en 1981 y fue entonces cuando presuntamente comenzÓ a trabajar para los servicios de inteligencia de cuba segÚn acusaciÓn. hoy se presentÓ una corte federal de miami y llorÓ, aunque no dijo nada. lo acompaÑÓ su esposa y abogada que tampoco quisieron hablar. >> seÑora . cÓmo estÁ su esposo? >> tuvo una larga carrera diplomÁtica te desempeÑÓ como oficial principal adjunta la secciÓn de intereses de estados unidos en la habana del 91 al 94. y fue director de asuntos interamerican
los dÍas parece ponerse peor. >> en otros temas que embajador de los estados unidos, en bolivia manuel rochascalÍa una corte de miami donde presentÓ un documento en el que acusa rocha de haberse infiltrado. estuvo a cargo del derribo de las avientas hermanos al rescate donde murieron cuatro civiles. >> el exembajador estadounidense vÍctor manuel rocha presuntamente es bio para cuba para 40 aÑos y sÓlo ahora lo descubrieron. [habla en inglÉs] este es uno de los casos de...
Dec 6, 2023
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que no entiende cÓmo los engaÑÓ a todos. >> manuel fue mi primer jefe en el servicio exterior, ya aprendÍ a hablar espaÑol en santo domingo con emanuel rochajada, y otra vez, para todo las apariencias, un gran Éxito. reportera: hubo otra cosa que le llamÓ la atenciÓn de rocha. >> lo que emanuel y se demostrÓ fuera caracterÍstico poco distinta, emanuel hablaba mucho del dinero, nosotros, los diplomÁticos, tenemos esta tendencia, somos empleados pÚblicos, nos pagan bien, pero no para convertirnos en gente rica. asegura que nunca —— reportera: asegura que nunca le cuadrÓ cuando de repente se volviÓ trumpisto. >> parecÍa el hombre mÁs Ético y correcto que habÍa. reportera: rocha vivÍa en este edificio de una isla exclusiva, su esposa es la dominicana que lo acompaÑÓ en la corte y no quiso hablar con nosotros, segÚn registros oficiales, rocha aparece con su direcciÓn actual en este edificio ubicado cerca de la zona financiera, a pocas cuadras de ese lugar rocha figura como propietario de un apartamento en este edificio, que es de los mÁs caros de la zona, sobre una con el agente encubierto del fbi, y que pensÓ que era un miembro de la inteligen
que no entiende cÓmo los engaÑÓ a todos. >> manuel fue mi primer jefe en el servicio exterior, ya aprendÍ a hablar espaÑol en santo domingo con emanuel rochajada, y otra vez, para todo las apariencias, un gran Éxito. reportera: hubo otra cosa que le llamÓ la atenciÓn de rocha. >> lo que emanuel y se demostrÓ fuera caracterÍstico poco distinta, emanuel hablaba mucho del dinero, nosotros, los diplomÁticos, tenemos esta tendencia, somos empleados pÚblicos, nos pagan bien,...
Dec 6, 2023
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naciones en exclusiva, sin embargo, la congresista salazar, dice, no tiene ninguna relaciÓn con manuel rochasÍ lo sugiriÓ el exmandatario durante una entrevista que le brindÓ anoche a la cadena fox news, pero mejor, escuchamos en la boca del expresidente, donald trump. >> [habla en inglÉs] [habla en inglÉs] borja: como ya hizo en las tres ocasiones anteriores, trump no asistirÁ el cuarto debate republicano que se realizarÁ esta noche en alabama, quienes sÍ participarÁ serÁn chris christie, nikki haley, ron desantis y vivek ramaswamy. el presidente de biden dijo durante un evento de recaudaciÓn de fondos en boston, que no estaba seguro de buscar otro mandato si donald trump no se presentarÁ a la casa blanca. el mandatario insinuÓ que los demÓcratas no deberÍan dejar ganar al expresidente, donald trump. cambiamos el tema, tras los 4 meses de la huelga de actores y profesionales de olivos, por fin ratificaron el acuerdo con los estudios, pero quÉ cambios han logrado? >> yo te explico. ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ borja: para empezar, el sindicato de actores y empleados de medios de comunicaciÓn, i
naciones en exclusiva, sin embargo, la congresista salazar, dice, no tiene ninguna relaciÓn con manuel rochasÍ lo sugiriÓ el exmandatario durante una entrevista que le brindÓ anoche a la cadena fox news, pero mejor, escuchamos en la boca del expresidente, donald trump. >> [habla en inglÉs] [habla en inglÉs] borja: como ya hizo en las tres ocasiones anteriores, trump no asistirÁ el cuarto debate republicano que se realizarÁ esta noche en alabama, quienes sÍ participarÁ serÁn...
Dec 5, 2023
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la fiscalia en miami acuÓ a manuel rocha, ex-embajador de estados unidos en bolivia, de haber sido agentetuvo presente en la audiencia. alÍ, la fiscaÍa presenÓ un documento en el que el mismo rocha le dice a un agente encubierto del fbi queÉl estuvo a cargo del derribo de las avionetas de "hermanos al rescate" en el 96, donde murieron cuatro civiles. los abogados del expresidente trump quieren que la corte suprema de nueva york, revise lasÓrdenes de silencio que impiden al exmandatario hacer declaraciones Úblicas, sobre el personal de la corte en su juicio por fraude civil... los abogados de trump quieren que se elimine por completo la orden de silencio. se presena ante la justicia el sospechoso de asesinar a cuatro personas en los angeles. le diremos qÉ ocurrÓ en la corte... y daddy yankee cierra su exitosa maity: fue acusado de cuatro cargos de asesinato al sospechoso de matar a tiros a tres indigentes y a un empleado del condado de los Ángeles la semana pasada. tambiÉn enfrentarÁ cargos por robo y porte ilegal de armas. el presunto asesino fue descubierto gracias a las cÁmaras de vigil
la fiscalia en miami acuÓ a manuel rocha, ex-embajador de estados unidos en bolivia, de haber sido agentetuvo presente en la audiencia. alÍ, la fiscaÍa presenÓ un documento en el que el mismo rocha le dice a un agente encubierto del fbi queÉl estuvo a cargo del derribo de las avionetas de "hermanos al rescate" en el 96, donde murieron cuatro civiles. los abogados del expresidente trump quieren que la corte suprema de nueva york, revise lasÓrdenes de silencio que impiden al...
Dec 4, 2023
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ex embajador de estados unidos en bolivia acusado de trabajar, espÍa para el gobierno cubano, manuel rochatarÁ en corte maÑana. y se espera que se conozcamÁs detalles del caso, rocha trabajÓ como diplomÁtico por mÁs de 25 aÑos en diferentes paÍses latinoamericanos, como mÉxico, argentina y honduras, naciÓ en colombia y se criÓ en la ciudad de nueva york. seguimos en nueva york por el crimen mÚltiple hora de la maÑana terminÓ con la vida de 4 personas de una familia en queens y dejÓ otro en estado crÍtico. el agresor fue otro miembro de la familia que muriÓ abatido por la policÍa en el lugar de los hechos. reportero: vecinos horrorizados ante sus puertas y ventanas para testigos este domingo de una tragedia familiar donde perdieron la vida una niÑa de 11 aÑos, un niÑo de 12, un hombre de unos 30, ademÁs de una mujer de 44. todos, dice la policÍa que fueron apuÑalado es con este cuchillo de cocina rodeado de sangre. >> a lo que me despertÉ impactÓ, me asustÉ mucho porque pensÉ que era algÚn delincuente o cuestiones asÍ. reportero: el presunto asesino, era miembro de la familia que estaba de
ex embajador de estados unidos en bolivia acusado de trabajar, espÍa para el gobierno cubano, manuel rochatarÁ en corte maÑana. y se espera que se conozcamÁs detalles del caso, rocha trabajÓ como diplomÁtico por mÁs de 25 aÑos en diferentes paÍses latinoamericanos, como mÉxico, argentina y honduras, naciÓ en colombia y se criÓ en la ciudad de nueva york. seguimos en nueva york por el crimen mÚltiple hora de la maÑana terminÓ con la vida de 4 personas de una familia en queens y...
Dec 7, 2023
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hoy trascendieron nuevos detalles de la acusaciÓn que un jurado especial e hizo vÍctor manuel rocha poraberse escrito, gente del extranjero. donna true dijo estar dispuesto a ser un dictador por un dÍa, lo hizo en respuesta a una pregunta por un foro comunitario de la cadena fox, casi al mismo tiempo presidente sugiriÓ que se postula en parte porque trump aspira a llegar a la casa blanca. pedro rojas nos tiene reacciones. pedro: el clima para las elecciones presidenciales del 2004 se calienta, el expresidente grundy dijo que estarÍa dispuesto a actuar brevemente como un dictador si regresa a la casa blanca. el presidente dijo donante es que si true no estuviera buscando regresar a la presidencia, no estaba seguro de si buscarÍa la reelecciÓn, despuÉs tratÓ de aclarar su comentario. ademÁs asegurÓ hoy que al menos 50 demÓcratas son capaces de ganarle a trump, y que lo va a vencer, algunos republicanos critican sus afirmaciones. >> asegurÓ que los consejeros de trump le piden no usar esa retÓrica. reportero: estas afirmaciones podrÍan convertirse en una herramienta para ser usada por la c
hoy trascendieron nuevos detalles de la acusaciÓn que un jurado especial e hizo vÍctor manuel rocha poraberse escrito, gente del extranjero. donna true dijo estar dispuesto a ser un dictador por un dÍa, lo hizo en respuesta a una pregunta por un foro comunitario de la cadena fox, casi al mismo tiempo presidente sugiriÓ que se postula en parte porque trump aspira a llegar a la casa blanca. pedro rojas nos tiene reacciones. pedro: el clima para las elecciones presidenciales del 2004 se...
Dec 5, 2023
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el yen: la fiscalÍa de mallÉn acusÓ a manuel rocha, ex embajador de estados unidos en bolivia de habernetas de hermanos al rescate en el 96 donde murieron otros civiles. maite: los abogados de donald trump quieran que la corte suprema revise las Órdenes de silencio que impiden al exmandatario hacer declaraciones pÚblicas sobre el personal de la corte en su juicio por fraude civil. los abogados quieren que se eliminÓ por completo la orden de silencio. elian: se presenta ante la justicia sospechoso de cesiÓn a cuatro personas en los Ángeles. —— de asesinar a cuatro personas en los Ángeles. empanizadas y volteadas a mano, después de todo eso... ¿tenemos la osadia de llamarle comida rápida a nuestros cinco sabores? alguien realmente debería decir algo. ahem...o pedir algo. ♪ (love that chicken from popeyes) ♪ maity: fue acusado de cuatro cargos de asesinato al sospechoso de matar a tiros a tres indigentes y a un empleado del condado de los Ángeles la semana pasada. tambiÉn enfrentarÁ cargos por robo y porte ilegal de armas. el presunto asesino fue descubierto gracias a las cÁmaras de vigil
el yen: la fiscalÍa de mallÉn acusÓ a manuel rocha, ex embajador de estados unidos en bolivia de habernetas de hermanos al rescate en el 96 donde murieron otros civiles. maite: los abogados de donald trump quieran que la corte suprema revise las Órdenes de silencio que impiden al exmandatario hacer declaraciones pÚblicas sobre el personal de la corte en su juicio por fraude civil. los abogados quieren que se eliminÓ por completo la orden de silencio. elian: se presenta ante la justicia...
Dec 5, 2023
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la fiscalÍa acusÓ a manuel rocha ex embajador de estados unidos en bolivia, de haber sido agente secr
la fiscalÍa acusÓ a manuel rocha ex embajador de estados unidos en bolivia, de haber sido agente secr
Dec 4, 2023
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el exembajador de estados unidos en bolivia manuel rocha, de 73 aÑos, fue acusado de espiar para el rÉgimengarland dice que pone al descubierto una de las mayores infiltraciones de un agente extranjero en aÑos. vamos con los detalles. reportera: este exdiplomÁtico tiene 25 aÑos de edad y se acusa de trabajar para el rÉgimen cubano y fue arrestado hace 72 horas. es el resultado de una larga investigaciÓn del fbi. una denuncia criminal puso a este hombre en el ojo del huracÁn. associated press tuvo estos datos en condiciÓn de anonimato. rocha trabajo para gobiernos demÓcratas y republicanos y representÓ al gobierno frente al gobierno cubano. tambiÉn fue embajador de estados unidos en bolivia y con oposiciÓn a evo morales. de mi trabajÓ en honduras en repÚblica dominicana. naciÓ en colombia y obtuvo una licenciatura de humanidades de yale, harvard, georgetown. ni el departamento de justicia ni la familia del diplomÁtico quisieron hacer declaraciones. carolina: gracias. ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] carolina: se anuncia la muerte de causas naturales de juanita castro, la hermana de fidel castro. tenÍa 90 aÑos y
el exembajador de estados unidos en bolivia manuel rocha, de 73 aÑos, fue acusado de espiar para el rÉgimengarland dice que pone al descubierto una de las mayores infiltraciones de un agente extranjero en aÑos. vamos con los detalles. reportera: este exdiplomÁtico tiene 25 aÑos de edad y se acusa de trabajar para el rÉgimen cubano y fue arrestado hace 72 horas. es el resultado de una larga investigaciÓn del fbi. una denuncia criminal puso a este hombre en el ojo del huracÁn. associated...
Dec 5, 2023
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de justicia ha presentado cargos contra el ex embajador de estados unidos en bolivia, el seÑor manuel rochae ilegal de un agente extranjero y uso ilegal de un pasaporte obtenido mediante una declaraciÓn falsa. [mÚsica] carolina: mÁs de lo que debe saber a esta hora. continÚa al avance de las tropas israelÍes en gaza. el gobierno de israel dicen que los lÍderes de hamÁs se estÁn refugiando en el sur. y majer ese de un satÉlite mostraron vehÍculos blindados en toda esta zona y han ordenado la evacuaciÓn de civiles palestinos. por otro lado, hamÁs se niega a liberar a varias mujeres como se habÍa acordado. en estados unidos, los presidentes de harvard, mit y de la universidad de pensilvania serÍan llamados a comparecer tras reacciones antisemitas en contra de estudiantes y personal acadÉmico debido al conflicto en el medio oriente. asÍ lo anunciÓ el comitÉ de educaciÓn de la cÁmara baja. se busca determinar cÓmo ha sido el papel de los directivos de cada uno de los centros educativos. escuchen lo siguiente. al menos cuatro lingotes de oro encontrados en el registro del fbi, en la casa del sena
de justicia ha presentado cargos contra el ex embajador de estados unidos en bolivia, el seÑor manuel rochae ilegal de un agente extranjero y uso ilegal de un pasaporte obtenido mediante una declaraciÓn falsa. [mÚsica] carolina: mÁs de lo que debe saber a esta hora. continÚa al avance de las tropas israelÍes en gaza. el gobierno de israel dicen que los lÍderes de hamÁs se estÁn refugiando en el sur. y majer ese de un satÉlite mostraron vehÍculos blindados en toda esta zona y han...
Dec 5, 2023
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ambassador to bolivia, victor manuel rocha is his name. that's taken place during a press conference yesterday. here is a bit from it. >> the complaint alleges that rocha sought out and used his positions within the united states government to support cuba's clandestine intelligence gathering mission against the united states. after the fbi received information that rocha was a covert agent of cuba's intelligence service, an fbi undercover proceeded to engage with rocha on several occasions. as detailed in the complaint, rocha repeatedly referred to the united states as, quote, the enemy. during the undercover -- he told the undercover that his efforts to infiltrate the united states government were, quote, meticulous and, quote, es very disciplined. and he repeatedly bragged about the significance of his efforts, saying that, quote, what has been done has strengthened the revolution immensely. the fbi arrested rocha on friday in miami. he is making his initial appearance in u.s. district court for the southern district of florida this aft
ambassador to bolivia, victor manuel rocha is his name. that's taken place during a press conference yesterday. here is a bit from it. >> the complaint alleges that rocha sought out and used his positions within the united states government to support cuba's clandestine intelligence gathering mission against the united states. after the fbi received information that rocha was a covert agent of cuba's intelligence service, an fbi undercover proceeded to engage with rocha on several...
Dec 4, 2023
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an american official familiar with the case confirmed to cbs news that 73-year-old manuel rocha was arrested in miami on friday in a long-running fbi counterintelligence operation. he's accused of secretly serving as an agent of the cuban government. more details about the case are expected to be made today when rocha appears in court. >>> coming up, deadly eruption. climbers get caught during a volcanic eruption in indonesia. >>> and later, a star-studded ceremony. the newest kennedy center honorees are celebrated. for your most brilliant smile, crest has you covered. ♪♪ (laughing) nice smile, brad. nice! thanks? crest 3d white. 100% more stain removal. crest. remember the things you loved... ...before asthma got in the way? fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's designed to target and remove them and helps prevent asthma attacks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and so
an american official familiar with the case confirmed to cbs news that 73-year-old manuel rocha was arrested in miami on friday in a long-running fbi counterintelligence operation. he's accused of secretly serving as an agent of the cuban government. more details about the case are expected to be made today when rocha appears in court. >>> coming up, deadly eruption. climbers get caught during a volcanic eruption in indonesia. >>> and later, a star-studded ceremony. the newest...
Dec 5, 2023
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it says victor manuel rocha was caught in an fbi sting operation. the attorney general called it one of the highest-reaching and longest-lasting infiltrations of the u.s. government. rocha was a u.s. ambassador to bolivia and served in many other diplomatic posts. he has not yet entered a plea >>> in 60 seconds an american vacationer killed in a shark attack in the bahamas. >>> and the potential new clue to that mysterious virus spreading in dogs. >>> a tourist tragedy in the bahamas to report police say an american woman was attacked by a shark and killed while paddleboarding less than a mile from a resort's shoreline first responders took a boat out to rescue her but found no signs of life. she has not yet been named. >>> and a health alert tonight. we have told you about the mysterious illness striking seemingly healthy dogs across the u.s. now doctors may have found some critical clues. here's priscilla thompson >> this is maple >> reporter: seven-month-old australian shepherd maple was a happy healthy puppy. until her owner adriana noticed a co
it says victor manuel rocha was caught in an fbi sting operation. the attorney general called it one of the highest-reaching and longest-lasting infiltrations of the u.s. government. rocha was a u.s. ambassador to bolivia and served in many other diplomatic posts. he has not yet entered a plea >>> in 60 seconds an american vacationer killed in a shark attack in the bahamas. >>> and the potential new clue to that mysterious virus spreading in dogs. >>> a tourist...
Dec 5, 2023
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victor manuel rocha is accused of collecting information for the cuban government since 1981. rocha was the us ambassador to bolivia between 1999 and 2002. dozens of civilians were killed and injured in the drone attack of the nigerian army. these muslim civilians are holding a religious ceremony in the northwest this was the country. however, the nigerian army has announced that it deliberately targeted the residents of rosetta while carrying out a mission against the rebels. so far , no reports of casualties from this attack have been published , but some local sources say that 30 people were killed in this attack. university of california workers are on strike to protest their pay. this strike took place a day after the university of california faculty staff union negotiations to improve the salaries of the university's employees and officials ended. university of california is the largest university in america. the first snowfall a winter in canada cut off electricity for tens of thousands of customers . snow and winter storms also disrupted traffic in central and eastern
victor manuel rocha is accused of collecting information for the cuban government since 1981. rocha was the us ambassador to bolivia between 1999 and 2002. dozens of civilians were killed and injured in the drone attack of the nigerian army. these muslim civilians are holding a religious ceremony in the northwest this was the country. however, the nigerian army has announced that it deliberately targeted the residents of rosetta while carrying out a mission against the rebels. so far , no...
Dec 5, 2023
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cuÁles son los cargos que enfrenta vÍctor manuel rocha.fornia, se multiplican las lesiones y muertes de inmigrantes que saltan el muro fronterizo. en un reportaje especial le mostramos el peligro de caer desde 30 pies de altura. >> noticias telemundo, con julio vaqueiro. >> buenas tardes, hoy comenzamos en los angeles california con una noticia de Última hora. ya enfrenta cargos el hombre que tuvo en vilo en los angeles por la muerte de al menos 4 personas. entre las vÍctimas desamparados y un hombre asesinado en su casa. 2 de los fallecidos son hispanos 2 de sus familiares hablaron con noticias telemundo. nos enlazamos con edgar muÑoz que estÁ en los angeles california con la Última informaciÓn edgar. >> hola que tal julio en efecto la corte de los angeles compadece a joseph powell acusado de asesinato serial entre ellos al menos 2 personas que vivÍan en las calles no tenÍa hogar. estÁn por formalizar los por asesinato y robo con arma de fuego. tambiÉn nosotros platicamos con una de las vÍctimas familias de la vÍctimas de los 2 hispanos.
cuÁles son los cargos que enfrenta vÍctor manuel rocha.fornia, se multiplican las lesiones y muertes de inmigrantes que saltan el muro fronterizo. en un reportaje especial le mostramos el peligro de caer desde 30 pies de altura. >> noticias telemundo, con julio vaqueiro. >> buenas tardes, hoy comenzamos en los angeles california con una noticia de Última hora. ya enfrenta cargos el hombre que tuvo en vilo en los angeles por la muerte de al menos 4 personas. entre las vÍctimas...
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sources say 73 year old manuel rocha is due in court in miami today. rocha served as the us ambassador to bolivia and worked under republican and democratic administrations during his 25 year diplomatic career. >> we turn now to a big deal in the airline industry. another merger is being proposed. and the big question, how will it affect consumers? this morning, a surprise mega deal taking off in the airline industry. alaska airlines, the nation's fifth largest carrier, announce an agreement to buy hawaiian airlines. is the deal worth nearly $2 billion? the companies would keep the same names but operate under one ceo. our combined entity will have more than $13 billion in annual revenue, 365 aircraft and 1400 flights a day and serve 138 destinations, including 29 international and over 1200 destinations globally through our one world alliance. >> analysts say the merger would likely be a win for hawaiian customers, with more service to north america and honolulu becoming a hub. >> the airline's loyalty program would also combine, but it's far from a d
sources say 73 year old manuel rocha is due in court in miami today. rocha served as the us ambassador to bolivia and worked under republican and democratic administrations during his 25 year diplomatic career. >> we turn now to a big deal in the airline industry. another merger is being proposed. and the big question, how will it affect consumers? this morning, a surprise mega deal taking off in the airline industry. alaska airlines, the nation's fifth largest carrier, announce an...
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about the former us ambassador under arrest accused of being a spy for cuba. 73 year old victor manuel rocha, a former ambassador to bolivia, allegedly worked for cuba since 1981. attorney general merrick garland calls it one of the highest reaching and longest lasting infiltrations of a us government by a foreign agent. abc's pierre thomas reports on roach's alleged motive. >> u.s officials are trying to determine what classified information rocha may have given the cubans thus far. they make no allegations that he betrayed his country for money, but instead they say he was a true believer doing it to help the cuban communist revolution. >> john rocha also previously held a position on the us national security council. the white house says us funding for the war in ukraine will run out by the end of the year unless congress takes action. democrats want more aid, but in exchange, republicans are demanding more security in the us southern border. >> it's not every day that you hear a supreme court justice use the term nutcase, but it happened yesterday as the court considered whether a multi-
about the former us ambassador under arrest accused of being a spy for cuba. 73 year old victor manuel rocha, a former ambassador to bolivia, allegedly worked for cuba since 1981. attorney general merrick garland calls it one of the highest reaching and longest lasting infiltrations of a us government by a foreign agent. abc's pierre thomas reports on roach's alleged motive. >> u.s officials are trying to determine what classified information rocha may have given the cubans thus far. they...
Dec 5, 2023
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manuel rocha held several high—ranking diplomatic posts and served on the us national security council cuba gather intelligence against the us since 1981. he was the us ambassador to bolivia from 1999 to 2002, but court documents unsealed monday allege mr rocha made several trips to cuba, where he helped advance interests of cuban officials. the us department of justice says the former diplomat was arrested last friday in miami after an undercover sting operation that lasted more than a year. here's attorney general merrick garland earlier. those who have the privilege of serving in the government of the united states are given an enormous amount of trust by the public we serve. to betray that trust, by falsely pledging loyalty to the united states while serving a foreign power is a crime that will be met with a full force of the department. our central america correspondent will grant is covering this story and spoke with us earlier. this really is a remarkable story. what do you make of it? i think it's absolutely extraordinary. the very fact that the attorney general used this phras
manuel rocha held several high—ranking diplomatic posts and served on the us national security council cuba gather intelligence against the us since 1981. he was the us ambassador to bolivia from 1999 to 2002, but court documents unsealed monday allege mr rocha made several trips to cuba, where he helped advance interests of cuban officials. the us department of justice says the former diplomat was arrested last friday in miami after an undercover sting operation that lasted more than a year....
Dec 4, 2023
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general merrick garland about the full force of the justice department again 73-year-old victor manuel rochasador to bolivia and career diplomat. prosecutors say after receiving a tip that an undercover fbi agent posed as a foreign agent and contacted rocha on what's app, they met three times in this busy miami neighborhood. it includes images from their conversations in spanish that says that rocha caimed his involvement went back almost 40 years. that he boasted what we have done is enormous, more than a grand slam. we refer to the united states as the enemy, and said that his number one priority was protecting the castro regime. >> he would have had the ability to gain access that would have raised harm to the united states. >> reporter: john carlin is a former prosecutor. >> he had the ability to gain and share information that would thwart u.s. agency's ability to collect information on cuba, on one hand, but he also was one of the key officials charged with performing our policy positions on cuba. >> reporter: rocha appeared in federal court today, but has not yet entered a plea. and p
general merrick garland about the full force of the justice department again 73-year-old victor manuel rochasador to bolivia and career diplomat. prosecutors say after receiving a tip that an undercover fbi agent posed as a foreign agent and contacted rocha on what's app, they met three times in this busy miami neighborhood. it includes images from their conversations in spanish that says that rocha caimed his involvement went back almost 40 years. that he boasted what we have done is enormous,...
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. >> reporter: victor manuel rocha rose through the ranks of the state department, including a stint as a top diplomat in havana before becoming the u.s. ambassador to bolivia. but the attorney general says, at least since 1981, rocha was really working for fidel castro's cuba, in one of the highest reaching and longest lasting infiltrations of the u.s. government by a foreign agent. when the fbi became suspicious, they sent an undercover agent posing as a cuban intelligence officer to make contact. rocha allegedly quickly confiding in the agent that his entire diplomatic career was at the direction of cuba. quote, i went little by little. it was a very meticulous process, very disciplined. the fbi saying rocha, now 73, called the u.s. "the enemy," bragging to the agent, "what we have done, it's enormous, more than a grand slam. it was decades." u.s. officials are trying to determine what classified information rocha may have given the cubans. thus far, they make noal decisions he betrayed his country for money, but a true believer, doing it to help the cuban communist revolution. da
. >> reporter: victor manuel rocha rose through the ranks of the state department, including a stint as a top diplomat in havana before becoming the u.s. ambassador to bolivia. but the attorney general says, at least since 1981, rocha was really working for fidel castro's cuba, in one of the highest reaching and longest lasting infiltrations of the u.s. government by a foreign agent. when the fbi became suspicious, they sent an undercover agent posing as a cuban intelligence officer to...
Dec 5, 2023
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it says victor manuel rocha was caught in an fbi sting operation. the attorney general called it one of the highest-reaching and longest-lasting infiltrations of the u.s. government. rocha was a u.s. ambassador to bolivia and served in many other diplomatic posts. he has not yet entered a plea. >>> in 60 seconds an american vacationer killed in a shark attack in the bahamas. >>> and the potential new clue to that mysterious virus spreading in dogs. nd cowboys were one and the same. my daddy's a cowboy. i'm a cowboy and i'm raising a cowgirl. and discovering that my family come from farmers, for generations. this life is in our blood. and we ain't stopping no time soon. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry. i've always been prone to hair thinning. i'm genetically predisposed. i just gave birth. i was under a lot of stress. i started taking nutrafol. we test our formulations with the highest rigor of clinical trials and we're the number one dermatologist recommended hair growth supplement. i noticed it becoming... stronger and thicker. nutra
it says victor manuel rocha was caught in an fbi sting operation. the attorney general called it one of the highest-reaching and longest-lasting infiltrations of the u.s. government. rocha was a u.s. ambassador to bolivia and served in many other diplomatic posts. he has not yet entered a plea. >>> in 60 seconds an american vacationer killed in a shark attack in the bahamas. >>> and the potential new clue to that mysterious virus spreading in dogs. nd cowboys were one and the...
Dec 5, 2023
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victor manuel rocha, is accused of helping cuba gather intelligence against the us since 1981. rocha referred to the us as "the enemy" and claimed his work as a secret agent "strengthened the revolution". around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. let's look at some other stories making news. rishi sunak has suffered a commons defeat after mps backed plans to speed up compensation for victims of the infected blood scandal. 22 conservative rebels supported the labour—led amendment. campaigners have been calling for a more comprehensive compensation scheme to support patients who contracted hiv or hepatitis c from contaminated blood treatments in the 1970s and �*80s. porn users could have their faces scanned to prove their age, with extra checks for young—looking adults, draft guidance from ofcom suggests. the watchdog has set out a number of ways explicit sites could prevent children from viewing pornography. but privacy campaigners have criticised the proposals warning of catastrophic consequences if data from age checks is leaked. there'll be further strike action b
victor manuel rocha, is accused of helping cuba gather intelligence against the us since 1981. rocha referred to the us as "the enemy" and claimed his work as a secret agent "strengthened the revolution". around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. let's look at some other stories making news. rishi sunak has suffered a commons defeat after mps backed plans to speed up compensation for victims of the infected blood scandal. 22 conservative rebels supported the...
Dec 4, 2023
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it represents a major case for the fbi which has been investigating victor manuel rochas when he was a agent for the government, and specifically the cuban government. he served 1999 to 2002 ambassador the bolivia, and you can see the resume there. he is retired, and more recently working at a law firm in miami, but according to prosecutors here in this court document, rochas, and they did a government reach-out to him where this investigation picks up. according to prosecutors, he had a meeting with this person who he believed was working for the cuban government, and agreed to help provide information to the cuban government according to prosecutors. again, right now, he is charged with acting as an agent of a foreign government, and a couple of other legal violations that we expect that he is going to be appearing in a federal court in miami in the next couple of hours, kate, and we will see what hans to him after this. this is an extraordinary case certainly for the fbi, it appears, they believe that he was doing this for many, many year, and during his many diplomatic posts incl
it represents a major case for the fbi which has been investigating victor manuel rochas when he was a agent for the government, and specifically the cuban government. he served 1999 to 2002 ambassador the bolivia, and you can see the resume there. he is retired, and more recently working at a law firm in miami, but according to prosecutors here in this court document, rochas, and they did a government reach-out to him where this investigation picks up. according to prosecutors, he had a...
Dec 5, 2023
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victor manuel rocha is accused of helping cuba gather intelligence against the us since 1981.the enemy." you�*re live with bbc news. iam i am gareth barlow. let�*s focus on the uk now. the uk home secretaryjames cleverly is in rwanda, where he will sign a new asylum treaty with the country. he�*s been visiting the genocide museum in the capital kigali. the government hopes the treaty will restart plans to send some asylum seekers there to have their claims processed after the supreme court ruled against the policy. the uk government is putting more measures in place, that could include allow parliament to vote and confirm that rwanda is a safe destination for asylum seekers who come to the uk. on monday, mr cleverly outlined plans to reduce legal migration to the uk — which included increasing the salary which skilled workers would need before they could get a visa by almost a half. our political correspondent peter saull reports. —— our political editor chris mason is travelling with the home secretary and sent this update from kigali. the home secretary arrived in the rwanda
victor manuel rocha is accused of helping cuba gather intelligence against the us since 1981.the enemy." you�*re live with bbc news. iam i am gareth barlow. let�*s focus on the uk now. the uk home secretaryjames cleverly is in rwanda, where he will sign a new asylum treaty with the country. he�*s been visiting the genocide museum in the capital kigali. the government hopes the treaty will restart plans to send some asylum seekers there to have their claims processed after the supreme...
Dec 4, 2023
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manuel rocha was arrested yesterday, more details expected later today. those are headlines, over to you. >> steve: that is a crazy story. thank you. ladies and gentlemen, the match up is set, columbus will take on los angeles fc in the 2023 mls cup final this saturday on fox. here with preview and the trophy at stake is national soccer hall of famer and retired soccer team player, one of the greatest to play the game jeff egus. i tried lifting that thing, that -- listen, pound for pound, that has to be the heaviest trophy in professional sports. >> there is a lot of weight behind it, it is an honor to hold it. two great candidate in lafc playing this saturday on fox and apple. >> steve: we know l.a., reigning champ, how did columbus get here? >> beat cincinnati in a thrilling game. it was incredible and columbus came back. lafc, we have a great match up. >> steve: the apple tv deal, soccer on fox, messi, beckham, people are paying attention to soccer. we have been seeing growths, it is the most popular sport in the world. we're growing. we have 30 teams
manuel rocha was arrested yesterday, more details expected later today. those are headlines, over to you. >> steve: that is a crazy story. thank you. ladies and gentlemen, the match up is set, columbus will take on los angeles fc in the 2023 mls cup final this saturday on fox. here with preview and the trophy at stake is national soccer hall of famer and retired soccer team player, one of the greatest to play the game jeff egus. i tried lifting that thing, that -- listen, pound for pound,...
Dec 5, 2023
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now, this morning we are learning more about what 73-year-old manuel rocha told the federal agents in the sting that exposed him. he was ambassador to bolivia and now accused of betraying the united states for decades. here is attorney general merrick garland in announcing the charges yesterday. >> this action exposes one of the highest reaching and longest lasting infiltrations of the u.s. government by a foreign agent. specifically, the criminal complaint alleges that for over 40 years, rocha acted as a covert agent of the cuban government. >> 40 years. and he is going to be in court tomorrow for a pretrial detention hearing. now, let me bring in cia operative bob baer, and it is quite incredible when the attorney general laid out how long this went on, and how much damage could rocha have done? >> well, exactly, kate. it is not the amount of time he spied for the cubans, but it is where the information went which is no doubt to russia, and eventually the cubans, because they have a very close relationship with the kgb, but more than that is the access that the man had, and in that
now, this morning we are learning more about what 73-year-old manuel rocha told the federal agents in the sting that exposed him. he was ambassador to bolivia and now accused of betraying the united states for decades. here is attorney general merrick garland in announcing the charges yesterday. >> this action exposes one of the highest reaching and longest lasting infiltrations of the u.s. government by a foreign agent. specifically, the criminal complaint alleges that for over 40 years,...
Dec 5, 2023
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victor manuel rocha is accused of helping cuba gather intelligence against the us since 1981. move on to dubai, where ministers from more than 60 countries have been meeting at the cop28 climate summit. today's focus will be on energy and industry, just transition, and indigenous peoples. it comes as environment campaigners say a record number of delegates from the coal, gas and oil industries are attending the summit. now, a report by a coalition of green groups called kick big polluters 0ut, says almost 2,500 people from companies linked to fossil fuels are there, that's four times the number at last year's conference in egypt. my colleague carl nasman is in dubai for us. that's right, fossil fuels definitely in focus today and throughout the week as negotiators try to get to an agreement on a final text regarding what to do with fossil fuels. joining final text regarding what to do with fossilfuels. joining me final text regarding what to do with fossil fuels. joining me to talk more about that, wanjira mathai, managing directorfor more about that, wanjira mathai, managing
victor manuel rocha is accused of helping cuba gather intelligence against the us since 1981. move on to dubai, where ministers from more than 60 countries have been meeting at the cop28 climate summit. today's focus will be on energy and industry, just transition, and indigenous peoples. it comes as environment campaigners say a record number of delegates from the coal, gas and oil industries are attending the summit. now, a report by a coalition of green groups called kick big polluters 0ut,...
Dec 4, 2023
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these allegations read like a spy novel and according to prosecutors manuel rocha was spying for cuba for at least four decades and he served as u.s. ambassador to bolivia from 1999 to 2022, but his career spanned many, many decades over many, many countries from argentina to cuba, dominican republic and he even worked on the national security council at the white house, and according to prosecutors, he -- while he was working for the cuban government and while he was working for the state department he was trying to recruit people to help gather intelligence for the cubans. the attorney general merrick garland spoke about these allegations at an unrelated event today. listen to what he had to say. >> this action exposes one of the highest reaching and longest lasting infill trations of the u.s. government by a foreign agent. those who have the privilege of working for the government of the united states are give know an enormous amount of trust by the public we serve. to betray that trust by falsely pledging loyalty to the united states while serving a foreign power is a krim tcrime
these allegations read like a spy novel and according to prosecutors manuel rocha was spying for cuba for at least four decades and he served as u.s. ambassador to bolivia from 1999 to 2022, but his career spanned many, many decades over many, many countries from argentina to cuba, dominican republic and he even worked on the national security council at the white house, and according to prosecutors, he -- while he was working for the cuban government and while he was working for the state...
Dec 5, 2023
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victor manuel rocha, top diplomat in the u.s. pentagon, and someone who also worked briefly at the white house, is accused of working as a covert agent for cuban intelligence without registering as a foreign lobbyist. attorney general merrick garland said the arrest, quote, exposes one of the highest reaching and longest lasting infiltrations of the united states government by a foreign agent. joining me now is jim popkin, the author of "code name blue run," the true story of american's most dangerous female spy and the sister she betrayed. that was also, as you know, you have dug into that and revealed the extraordinary story of the woman who was an agent in the pentagon for cuba, for some 20 years, this is 40 years at a high level, an ambassador, completely vetted, and apparently from the day he started at the foreign service he was working for cuba. >> it is really -- yeah, andrea, it is a really shocking, shocking arrest, as you said. nearly 40 years. very rare to have an ambassador at this level with those kind of allegation
victor manuel rocha, top diplomat in the u.s. pentagon, and someone who also worked briefly at the white house, is accused of working as a covert agent for cuban intelligence without registering as a foreign lobbyist. attorney general merrick garland said the arrest, quote, exposes one of the highest reaching and longest lasting infiltrations of the united states government by a foreign agent. joining me now is jim popkin, the author of "code name blue run," the true story of...
Dec 5, 2023
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on monday, justice department officials said victor manuel rocha sought out and obtained positions within the united states government that would provide him with access to non-public information to pass along to havana. however, the charging document reveals few details about what information rocha might have shared with cuba's government. the u.s. supreme court heard arguments monday in a case challenging purdue pharma's bankruptcy plan, which shields members of the billionaire sackler family from civil liability over their role in creating and fueling the opioid epidemic. in 2019, purdue filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection as it faced thousands of lawsuits seeking trillions of dollars in compensation from the sacklers, who profited from selling the highly addictive drug oxycontin while fully aware it was directly fueling the opioid epidemic in america. according to the cdc, opioid overdoses have killed over half a million people in the united states over the past 20 years. outside the supreme court monday, family members held photos of loved ones lost to the opioid crisis. this
on monday, justice department officials said victor manuel rocha sought out and obtained positions within the united states government that would provide him with access to non-public information to pass along to havana. however, the charging document reveals few details about what information rocha might have shared with cuba's government. the u.s. supreme court heard arguments monday in a case challenging purdue pharma's bankruptcy plan, which shields members of the billionaire sackler family...
Dec 4, 2023
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victor manuel rocha, the career government employee has an extensive resume.state department, for the national security council and even served as the u.s. ambassador to bolivia for a few years, nbc news correspondent guad venegas is following this. what happened and what more are we learning about rocha? >> reporter: a very quick hearing today, the judge read those charges against rocha. the accused said he understood the charges. interesting to hear the judge talk about videos that prosecutors shared videos with the judge before this hearing and he's now asking them to share those videos with rocha and his attorney as they move forward with the case, we imagine these videos are with evidence how the fbi was able at some point this is filed in the complaint, talked with him with an undercover agent. having admitted to having worked for the cuban government, you mentioned the long resume, he worked all across latin america as a diplomat, the dominican republic, argentina, and he was the ambassador to bolivia and because of those roles he would have access to t
victor manuel rocha, the career government employee has an extensive resume.state department, for the national security council and even served as the u.s. ambassador to bolivia for a few years, nbc news correspondent guad venegas is following this. what happened and what more are we learning about rocha? >> reporter: a very quick hearing today, the judge read those charges against rocha. the accused said he understood the charges. interesting to hear the judge talk about videos that...
Dec 4, 2023
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activity for allegedly working as a covert agent for cuba for decades, since 1981. 73-year-old victor manuel rochaars, including at the state department's u.s. intersection in havana. nbc's guad vin vin nag ga is keeping a close eye on this. >> reporter: that was what it felt like inside the courtroom. we were there when the charges were read, accusing rocha of acting as a spy for a foreign government. we know with the complaint filed by that this relates to cuba. he was born in colombia, became a u.s. citizen and worked as a diplomat all across latin america, a resume that included mexico, argentina, the dominican republic, at one point the ambassador of bolivia. of course, this complaint indicates that the fbi was involved as they found this information that they say makes him an agent of the cuban government, gathering intelligence that would have been used, according to the complaint, against the u.s. government. here is the u.s. attorney speaking about this just minutes ago. >> this action exposes one of the highest reaching and longest lasting infiltrations of the u.s. government by a foreig
activity for allegedly working as a covert agent for cuba for decades, since 1981. 73-year-old victor manuel rochaars, including at the state department's u.s. intersection in havana. nbc's guad vin vin nag ga is keeping a close eye on this. >> reporter: that was what it felt like inside the courtroom. we were there when the charges were read, accusing rocha of acting as a spy for a foreign government. we know with the complaint filed by that this relates to cuba. he was born in colombia,...
Dec 4, 2023
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the ap reported that manuel rocha, who is 73 years old, was arrested in miami on friday, and i'm told that more details about this case are expected to be released shortly. now, he's not expected to be charged with espionage, i'm told, but rather with acting as an unregistered agent for cuba. he was a u.s. diplomat for 25 years. much of that time in latin america during the cold war. he was born in colombia, grew up in new york city, and obtained degrees from yale, harvard and georgetown before joining the foreign service in 1981. rocha was the top u.s. diplomat in argentina between 1997 and 2000 and appointed ambassador to bolivia. u.s. ambassadors are privy to very sensitive intelligence about, for example, cia operations and the identities of undercover operatives. rocha served in italy, honduras, mexico and the dominican republic and worked as a latin america expert for the national security council. more to come on this, but a big deal, jose. >> as an expert for the national security council on latin america. and, ken, there is a difference, i guess, is it semantic or otherwise,
the ap reported that manuel rocha, who is 73 years old, was arrested in miami on friday, and i'm told that more details about this case are expected to be released shortly. now, he's not expected to be charged with espionage, i'm told, but rather with acting as an unregistered agent for cuba. he was a u.s. diplomat for 25 years. much of that time in latin america during the cold war. he was born in colombia, grew up in new york city, and obtained degrees from yale, harvard and georgetown before...
Dec 5, 2023
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manuel rocha's two-decade career in the foreign service included serving as u.s.dor to bolivia. but newly unsealed court papers allege he also was a mole for cuban intelligence since at least 1981. u.s. attorney general merrick garland said an undercover fbi spoke with him before his arrest friday in miami. ag garland: rocha repeatedly referred to the united states as "the enemy." he told the undercover that his efforts to infiltrate the united states government were " meticulous and very disciplined." and he repeatedly bragged about the significance of his efforts, saying that "what has been done has strengthened the revolution immensely." stephanie: garland said this is one of the "highest-reaching and longest-lasting infiltrations of the united states government by a foreign agent to date." but he stopped short of describing what sensitive information rocha shared with cuba. in campaign news -- north dakota governor doug burgum ended his bid for the republican presidential nomination today. the wealthy software entrepreneur qualified for the first two republica
manuel rocha's two-decade career in the foreign service included serving as u.s.dor to bolivia. but newly unsealed court papers allege he also was a mole for cuban intelligence since at least 1981. u.s. attorney general merrick garland said an undercover fbi spoke with him before his arrest friday in miami. ag garland: rocha repeatedly referred to the united states as "the enemy." he told the undercover that his efforts to infiltrate the united states government were " meticulous...
Dec 5, 2023
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secretly working as a covert agent for cuba for decades is due back in court. 73-year-old victor manuel rochacounts including working to promote the cuban government's interests. he has been operating for cuba since 1981 and even boasted to an undercover fbi agent last year about his long time loyalty to havana. attorney general merrick garland said it exposes one of 9 highest reaching and longest lasting infiltrations of the united states government by a foreign agent. right now, in a d.c. courtroom, a pretrial hearing is under way in the defamation case against rudy giuliani. back in august, giuliani was found liable of defaming two georgia election workers, mother and daughter ruby freeman and shea moss. now a jury trial will determine how much the former trump attorney will have to pay for it. nbc news justice reporter ryan reilly joins us now. tell us about today's hearing and what we know about the upcoming trial. >> this is going to go over some logistical hearings. but the hearing next week after jury election is going to determine just how much money rudy giuliani has to pay for what
secretly working as a covert agent for cuba for decades is due back in court. 73-year-old victor manuel rochacounts including working to promote the cuban government's interests. he has been operating for cuba since 1981 and even boasted to an undercover fbi agent last year about his long time loyalty to havana. attorney general merrick garland said it exposes one of 9 highest reaching and longest lasting infiltrations of the united states government by a foreign agent. right now, in a d.c....
Dec 5, 2023
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victor manuel rocha, who held several high—ranking posts for america, is accused of helping cuba gatherto victims of the nhs contaminated blood scandal. thousands of patients were given tainted blood products in the 19705 and �*80s, causing them to contract diseases like hiv and hepatitis. so far, only a small proportion of them have been given interim payments. you're live with bbc news. the israeli military says it's engaged in the heaviest day of fighting since the start of its invasion of gaza, and claims its forces are now encircling the khan younis area in the south of the territory. it has warned people living there to move further south as it steps up what it says is the third phase of its ground operations against hamas. the united nations is warning of an "even more hellish scenario" in the region with no safe places for people to go, and says the fighting will only intensify a "catastrophic hunger crisis". this map shows the main districts of gaza. a huge flow of people were told to leave the north more than a month ago and move to southern gaza. the un says nearly 1.9m peopl
victor manuel rocha, who held several high—ranking posts for america, is accused of helping cuba gatherto victims of the nhs contaminated blood scandal. thousands of patients were given tainted blood products in the 19705 and �*80s, causing them to contract diseases like hiv and hepatitis. so far, only a small proportion of them have been given interim payments. you're live with bbc news. the israeli military says it's engaged in the heaviest day of fighting since the start of its invasion...
Dec 5, 2023
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general merrick garland vowed the full force of the justice department against 73-year-old victor manuel rochafederal prosecutors say after receiving a tip, an undercover fbi agent posed as a cuban foreign agent and contacted rocha on whatsapp. they allegedly met three times in this busy miami neighborhood. the criminal complaint includes images from video of their conversations in spanish. it says rocha claimed his involvement with cuban intelligence went back almost 40 years, that he boasted "what we have done, it's enormous, more than a grand slam," referred to the united states as the enemy and said his number one priority was protecting the castro regime. >> he would have had the ability to gain access to information that could cause great harm to the united states. >> reporter: john carlin is a former top national security prosecutor. >> so he had the ability to gain and then share information that would thwart u.s. agencies' ability to collect intelligence on cuba on the one hand. but on the other hand, he also was one of the key officials charged with forming our policy positions on cu
general merrick garland vowed the full force of the justice department against 73-year-old victor manuel rochafederal prosecutors say after receiving a tip, an undercover fbi agent posed as a cuban foreign agent and contacted rocha on whatsapp. they allegedly met three times in this busy miami neighborhood. the criminal complaint includes images from video of their conversations in spanish. it says rocha claimed his involvement with cuban intelligence went back almost 40 years, that he boasted...
Dec 4, 2023
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sources say 73-year-old manuel rocha's accused of working as an unregistered agent for cuba.l, cannabis, and gold mining industry >>> alaska airlines has agreed to buy hawaii airlines the two would combine their resource, but hawaiian would keep its brand name. alaska is the nation's fifth largest carrier. the deal would expand its west coast network and run flights to asia, central america, and the south pacific. that deal must be cleared by federal antitrust regulators >>> pi have a good "boost" for you. look at this interaction between a u.p.s. driver named frank and a 2-year-old boy it happened after frank helped the family get their dog back in the house. >> thank you >> thank you >> you're welcome! >> i love you! >> aw, i love you too! thank you! absolutely. >> give me some knuckles >> we need lots of love in the world, absolutely. >> give me some knuckles give me some knuckles. and a hug. oh, you tear best. >> didn't end there, though. frank also told owen he was one of santa's helpers and he'd put in a good word for him frank says joy and love in this world is what ch
sources say 73-year-old manuel rocha's accused of working as an unregistered agent for cuba.l, cannabis, and gold mining industry >>> alaska airlines has agreed to buy hawaii airlines the two would combine their resource, but hawaiian would keep its brand name. alaska is the nation's fifth largest carrier. the deal would expand its west coast network and run flights to asia, central america, and the south pacific. that deal must be cleared by federal antitrust regulators >>>...
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manuel rocha had impeccable credentials serving as a u.s.sador to one point working at the national security council. but today he stands accused of being a secret agent, a mole for communist cuba, much of it during the regime of fidel castro. last year the fbi became suspicious of rocha. they say an under cover agent was to meet him in miami. rocha, who is 73 and retired quickly agreed and allegedly was confirming he had been working for the cuban intelligence service. the fbi recorded him allegedly describing how meticulous he was in becoming a double agent, allegedly bragging about what he had done. it was enormous, more than a grand slam, it was decades, he said. now u.s. officials are trying to assess the damage and we're told the doj plans to go before a grand jury as early as today to bring more charges. guys? >> just fascinating that he was able to fly unthe radar for 40 years. thank you. now to that "monday night football" thriller. bengals and jaguars going down to the wire in overtime. will reeve with the nail biter and highlights
manuel rocha had impeccable credentials serving as a u.s.sador to one point working at the national security council. but today he stands accused of being a secret agent, a mole for communist cuba, much of it during the regime of fidel castro. last year the fbi became suspicious of rocha. they say an under cover agent was to meet him in miami. rocha, who is 73 and retired quickly agreed and allegedly was confirming he had been working for the cuban intelligence service. the fbi recorded him...
Dec 5, 2023
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. >> court documents accuse victor manuel rocha of engaging in, quote, clandestine activity for the cubanernment, since at least 1981. rocha's career as a united states diplomat includes top posts in argentina, bolivia and parts of havana, cuba. attorney general merrick garland says russia's activities were uncovered when an fbi agent contacted rocha posing as a member of cuban intelligence. >> as detailed in the complaint, rocha repeatedly referred to the united states as, quote, the enemy during his initial court appearance yesterday, rocha reportedly broke down in tears. >> but did not enter a plea. a bond hearing is scheduled for tomorrow. there's a new push in san francisco to reform the way city government operates. the group together, sf action says it's launching a campaign directed at building a more streamlined, efficient and accountable government that allocates resources wisely. organizers are working on a ballot measure that cut the number of commissions and advisory groups in san francisco from 130 down to 65. and they are seeking greater power and accountability for the may
. >> court documents accuse victor manuel rocha of engaging in, quote, clandestine activity for the cubanernment, since at least 1981. rocha's career as a united states diplomat includes top posts in argentina, bolivia and parts of havana, cuba. attorney general merrick garland says russia's activities were uncovered when an fbi agent contacted rocha posing as a member of cuban intelligence. >> as detailed in the complaint, rocha repeatedly referred to the united states as, quote,...