french prime minister manuel valls said the bombing would continue "as long as it is necessary." >> the targets, as i've said, are the refugees who were those who target france are trained and come from and you'll understand i'm not going to give any more information at this stage, but suffice it to say, obviously, we will continue this action as long as it is necessary. amy: this comes as iraq has reached a new intelligence sharing agreement with russia, -- iraq, iran, syria in the fight against isil. the accord is perceived to be the latest move by russia to take control of the fight against isil. russia and the united states have disagreed on the strategy in syria. the u.s. is calling for the ouster of president bashar al-assad, while russia is bolstering his government with military aid. president obama and russian leader vladimir putin are expected to have their first formal meeting in more than two years at the united nations today. in yemen, officials say that u.s.-backed, saudi-led air strikes killed 28 civilians in the northern hajjah province on sunday. officials say the victi