trushkov was on urgent duty at that moment, in the front line, he was called to a children's camp, marat kozeyitory is located near the river, this became one of the reasons why the trees fell like matchsticks, no communication, no transport, made their way with chainsaws quickly, as much as possible, saved two children, one child had an open fracture, the second had a cranial brain injury, respectively, well , the third, unfortunately, by... dear friends, i sincerely congratulate those gathered in this hall on their high awards and honorary titles. with your achievements , you made this festive day in the palace of independence special. thank you for your work, thank you to everyone who became a part of the path to success you reliable support to your family, loved ones, friends, colleagues, yours. a personal award is always the result of joint teamwork, which means that today the awards were received not by 46 people in the hall, but many times more people, whose efforts are not visible at the moment, but are definitely noticeable in the life of each awardee. of course , it is exciting, plea