and counter to most of the silicon valley, and they are all republicans in silicon valley, and marc andreesennd he put "i'm with her" after the last primary, and meg whitman, a and so most of the republicans are against trump, but peter teal likes to be counter to whatever. so it is not a surprise. >> are they coming around to tr trump for the most part. >> no. >> republicans -- >> no. not even -- >> not since he was the presumed nominee? >> no, a lot of the republicans don't want to support him, and i don't know what paul ryan is doing it, because the man who says, let's tell it like it is, and he is not telling it like it is, and so he should be able to do that. they will all fall into line behind him, because the politicians would sell their mother to get into office, so presumably they will fall into line, but it is a good thing that they are having a debate internally, but within silicon valley, they are more romney republican republicans or mccain republicans, and so you won't see a lot of support. >> the head scratcher for me on a libertarian backing trump is that arguably, he is less