we are joined by marc lasry and ben huneke, a managing director of morgan stanley. re you surprised by the vote, marc? >> no, we were prepared either way. we ended up taking a look at it. if i had to make a bet i would have thought they would stay in. but for our portfolio we ended upsetting it up so it would be fine either way. >> we were definitely surprised. we were looking at the polls going into it thinking there was going to be a remain. our clients are strachg our heads wondering what they are going to do. gary: with mayor tom bradley, people were saying they are voting for tom bradley, but when they got to the polls they didn't vote for tom bradley. that was happening last night and it seems to be happening for donald trump. how much confidence do you have in poll numbers going forward? >> it was pretty close. at the end of the day i think everybody thought it would be 52-48, 51-49. and that's where it was, but on the other side. with brexit people didn't mow what was going to happen. a number of people sort of changed their mind at the last minute. but i thi