in 2010, marc mezvinsky married chelsea clinton. following year in 2011, he began fundraising for his hedge fund. reportedly, lloyd blankfein, the chief executive of goldman sachs, personally invested in this fund and also allowed his association with this find to be used in its marketing materials. he is a big reason why eagleville part, the hedge fund founded by marc mezvinsky, was able to raise close to $400 million. unfortunately, that was some particularly a savvy business decision. these fund, according to the wall street journal and the new york times has underperformed and one subordinate fund created by marc mezvinsky lost 90% of its investors' money and had to shut down earlier this month. basically, they made bad bets on the greek economy recovery. we have been pressing the campaign to understand the full relationship between goldman sachs and the clinton family. we have asked not only about the goldman sachs transcripts, but as you pointed out, hillary clinton personally has made over $600,000 in paid speaking fees to go