i first learned about this program from former governor marc racicot, who brought the program to montana. the graduation rate for at-risk teens involved in this program is an amazing 98%. the vast majority of these graduates then go on to jobs, military service, or higher education. after just 14 months on the job, the taxes these kids pay have already repaid the cost of their participation in the program. please do support an expansion of that program. [applause] technology has pushed montana into a global marketplace, but far too many of our schools are lagging behind. the phones in our pockets have better internet access than many of the classrooms in our state. that's why i also support further investing in our schools, and using state resources to help school districts modernize and acquire today's technology. we can and we will work together to invest in and improve our public schools. in making even modest investments in early childhood education and technology improvements for our schools, i am asking that you look beyond the immediate, beyond this session or even the length of t