marc solomon?> i think justice kennedy's position is marriage has always been in the province of the states, the states determine what eight marriages and what it is a and the federal government simply recognizes for the purpose of federal treatments and respect, recognizes marriage performed the state with the exception of marriages of gay couples. and they were talking about how important all of these different protections, federal protections are from edie windsor having to pay $363,000 in estate taxes when her wife died, if her partners and had been theo instead of thea, she would not have had to pay any taxes. it goes on and on. there are these typical stories of married couples, married in their state of new york or iowa or washington and on and on or just treated as a legal strangers by the federal government. >> i want to play another excerpt of the supreme court's oral arguments wednesday when justice elena kagan focused on the underlying motives of congress in passing the defense of marri