joining us at the table is marc steiner host of the marc steiner show, and founder of the emerging mediaand cynthia menend menendez and ed who is active in labor for over 40 years. ed, having looked at that history, is this glass half full or not? >> well, i would look at it half full, because i am biased. if you think about it, we have gone through 30 years where the workers have faced nothing but suppression of how the whole system is running. what unions do is to defend what people have. when you get into one of the periods where everything is being re-organized, we will play catchup, and the truth is in our history, we have trailed behind the changes in capital, if you will, by 25 or 30 or 50 years sometimes so what we saw this year is the beginning where the workers are figuring it out, $8 is not something that you have to accept, and disempowerment in the workplace is not something that you have to move along from one place to place with one low wage job to another and accept what it s. an old fashioned notion is new enagain, real wages and real jobs and respect and dignity on the