in-state tuition sins citizenship citizenship permanent brad bought within otwin and marcark mclaurin mark mclaurinand brad botwin bradrad botwin derek referendummaryland maryland maryland maryland out at one of those ubiquitous coffee places, a woman came by with one of the most unusual baby strollers i'd ever seen. i commented to her that it was really quite wonderful and before i could finish she blurted, i know you! you spoke at our conference last friday. it reminded me of a great piece of advice i got years ago when i an old friend said, just remember, you're always under your people are watching you like hawks every day to see if your actions match your words. it really doesn't matter if were being watched 300 times a day or once. what people around us value are consistency, compatibility and caring. oh and thanks for watching! i'm lou heckler. >> susie: and finally, not a person, not a president, not a head of state. today's winner of the nobel peace prize: the european union, left many people scratching their heads. the nobel committee noted the economic drama playing out across much of th