marcela garcia a recent report schools on municipal credit rightings. this question were to pass, what do you think the affect on credit rightings and city credit rightings would be? moodies for example, can you tell us about that? >> clearly a gold star rating agency released a report or an article saying that currently boston is triple a rating. for folks that need a little agency that oversees the way finances are able to in fact get alone, and how they-- a loan and how they balance budgets. when you share that there is misconceptions about whether it will impact funding. we have an agency that says this would be devastating. ron run hurt the city's credit rating. >> absolutely. become to politicized for people to make a rational judgment about this? >> unfortunately that is perfect example. ed moody's rating was based on an e-mail and we vice president seen the report in terms of how they evaluating how our credit rating would change in cities across massachusetts. and frankly, a lot of the problem has on do with fiscal irresponsibility in the distr