obviously everything here is flood. >> reporter: marchetti's insurer, n.j.m. will take a loss of more than $300 million from sandy, four times what it paid out from irene last year. industry estimates put the total amount of damage from superstorm sandy at $50 billion. insurance companies are expected to pick up between $10-$20 billion of that. that puts superstorm sandy at the top of the list ahead of hurricanes ike, ivan, and irene. monday we will look at why rebuilding from sandy is so expensive thanks to where she came ashore. ruben ramirez, seaside heights, new jersey. back here on wall street, tom, some interesting revolutions from netflix today saying it got a wells notice and being investigated by the securities and exchange commission. behind it is a very interesting debate going on. the reason for the investigation is that the ceo reid hastings had posted some information on his facebook page about developments at the company and the fec said you didn't disclose this property, should have been a press release or filing with the sec and raises new que