adzin from their grodno, and the late marcin.nstitution in the vilnius principality. step there and young manah, learn theology. and philosophy. just like that year, prince mikhail radzivil, the fisherman of the academy, cried out during the last few hours - a telescope. the boss of our products has shown the magic of the sky near us. dull and sharky, the lad couldn’t do it for a long time. vilna now has its own absservatory. riddle her exit from the meat shop zdzitsa tamash zhabrowski. manak. architect, mathematician, for marcin he became the oldest brothers in the order and the first mentors of astronomy. advuchyshysya in vilnius, pachobut hell lyanicki edze in prague, where your university observatory has been established for a long time. then an internship in marseilles, avignon, nepal, shoulder to shoulder with the best european astronomers. ale ўreshtse yon vartaetstsa ў vіlnya, kab pratsyagnutsya svaygo nastіnіka . recognize the observatory for the sake of death. and then ms. senpetan stood on the right: timidly repair, bu