marcin noras: basically, we are dealing with evidence of a crime.sophy adopted by the museum that this is evidence of a crime, one of the largest crimes in world history. malcolm: the conservators are working on 8,000 children's shoes, a fraction of the 120,000 in the auschwitz collection. marcin noras: preserving these objects, this evidence is about preserving the memory of the victims of the crime, preserving their identity often. malcolm: in all, 1.5 million children were murdered during the holocaust; 235,000 perished here at auschwitz-birkenau. frequently, children were the first to be exterminated because the nazis believed they were too weak to be forced to work and were a waste of food. eighty years ago, the air here was heavy with the stench of death, but not anymore. over time, the ashes of the children have been absorbed into the earth, and they are beneath my feet and beneath the feet of millions who walk past this drawing of an orchestra serenading slave laborers beneath the sign "work sets you free.” the victims of auschwitz have no g