and kitchen he was the first footballer of turkish descent to play for germany after world cup marco langer used to play football with in his hometown . he was greatly interested when we met his kids he was a very quiet boy always carrying a ball around always with his father near the pitch. or. an example to follow until recently ozil had been a proud poster boy for integration today many germans with turkish heritage can understand how one photo could change everything. he wasn't bored by germany's own fans all because of a photo also took a photo with article americal it's his business takes a photo with her to one of the it's a catastrophe how bad things have gone and because of one photo for me it's try to . turkish german or both integration research is from the essence center of the turkish studies say young people feel close to germany but also different from the non migrant population they say germans and german politics struggle with people who don't want to commit to just one nationality. research allow me a card or has called for a reasonable debate on identity she says the inte