tricky dish. >> marco pierre white: the hero of the dish, really, is the skin. >> anthony: yes. >> marcoose great creations. as the french say, "we never grow old around the table." they also say, "only the first bottle is expensive." >> anthony: cheers. >> marco pierre white: so this is my big project i'm working on, 'cause i've fallen in love with this little part of england. i put myself out to graze, i suppose. honestly. i'm retired, and i like to -- what i do here, if i look at the amount of nature we have here now, since we've done what we've done, is enormous compared to what we had. >> anthony: right. >> marco pierre white: and i like seeing the increase of song birds, the hens with their young chicks, the geese -- fabulous, aren't they? >> anthony: amazing. >> marco pierre white: they're nuts. [ anthony laughs ] there are beautifully, beautifully nuts. there's no guarantees how long we're going to be here. just enjoy life. >> anthony: the mood in london is like a collective nervous breakdown. drinking seems appropriate. but first, a proper base must be established. some food. al