senator marco reub oh, including mr. president you can't allow white supremest to share only part of blame. they support idea which cost nation and world so much pain. we also had a camera out by the white house to get your views on the president 's remarks. one woman went to the cv cvs and got a poster board to make a sign right after listening to the pres president trump may not always say the right thing at the right time, but you have to go beneath the meaning a little bit or the way the it's presented. i don't think he's a racist. i don't think he supports racism. during q & a with the president today he also weighed in on the debate over confederate monuments. we have some around here and some in other towns all across the country. many of those people were there to pro test the taking down the statue of robert e lee. this week it's robert eve lee. i wonder stonewall jackson is coming down. is it thomas jefferson the week after. you have to ask yourselves where disclosure it stop. was george washington a slave owne