the most well-known stoic is marcus aurelius, the emperor of rome, the philosopher king, but there wereers who were artists, men, women, people trying to do it we are all trying to do, which is make sense of the crazy world that we are living in. >> jordan: there is a criticism of stoicism if you look at -- is it a philosophy that comes from a place of privilege? >> sure. >> jordan: for people that are in situations, where even institutional situations, look at things like racism from activism, movements, where the situation that they cannot control is one that is inherently oppressive. is stoicism teaching you how to accept those things and not push back? is there inherent privilege in there? >> it is hard to get more privilege than the emperor of rome. >> jordan: sure. >> but the philosopher that influences marcus aurelius more than any other philosopher, who he quotes in his writings, is a guy named epictetus, who is a slave. the opposite. you have extreme power and extreme powerlessness. all throughout history, the stoics have been involved in social movements and positive change ma