my name is marcus bailey, i am a supervisor for one of the supervisors fortin der loin clean up crew and i just want to say ma'am, you took the exact words out of my mouth. the amounts of trash, needles and feces that i see that those two ladies right there see every day is not only embarrassing to a resident, i grew up in san francisco, bay view hunters point, it's embarrassing that i have to call san francisco my city when come to a place like tenderloin, just that small area on every block. this morning alone, in three hours and 45 minutes, just on my side alone, i got a call in about 15 different areas of feces. horrible feces, not dog feces. human feces. i got a call there was a toilet abandon toilet and a pile of feces next to it. this is the norm. we've become used to this. we even joke about it so we don't stress out and make ourselves sad. i live in bay view and work with an awesome community. older and younger people. we get the awesome experience of waking up in the morning getting past that tiredness to say let's go head and teach people how to have a culture of cleaning