at this time, i want to introduce marcy kaptur us -- marci american studies and government classes, she is critical to fulfilling a.u.'s commitment to community-based learning. she is a strong advocate for engaging students and services and coordinates departments campus to support increased service opportunities. please join me in welcoming her. [applause] ♪ >> good morning. great to have you all on our campus. i want toof a.u., welcome you and just congratulate the group that organized this. the conference agenda looks excellent and very much aligned with the importance that a.u. places on student engagement and civic and community issues. strategic plan that puts great emphasis on its work, stating that one of our goals is to act on our values through social responsibility and service and that we have a vigorous commitment to the city and people of washington d c. last year, the university decided to go further. we concluded that we needed some campuswide learning outcomes to define what students should be able to do by the time they gr