mardan has been neglected, he came and said that it is ok, i will hold one meeting a week for the mardan department, is one meeting per week enough for the mining department, for the backward department , if not, a suitable structure should be developed, mr. taheri, see that the ministry is a big ministry. first, let me explain this in general . one part, for example, has commerce , has various industries, has cars, has mines, and is itself a government. the minister can play the role of the president there his deputy should play the role of the minister. now, are we coming to the country of the president? we are saying that, for example, the president cannot coordinate his position in this government board between the housing ministry and the ministry. we say let the president be the president. to coordinate this, the president should be able to coordinate 19 ministries of home affairs by himself and his first deputy. if there is a weakness, we do not say that we should leave it to the president, for example, to put a few of these together, but we do not say that we should do it all , o