into seven parts, devoting a separate chapter to each bloody gang: svet tekhstroy, yugo-zapad, mardva center, khimmash. all these names are familiar only to local residents who survived the terrible years of rampant organized crime. the activities of all criminal structures operating in the region for more than 20 years were completely suppressed for organizing, leading, participating in criminal communities, banditry, murder, extortion, robbery, illegal arms trafficking, as well as other serious and especially serious crimes , more than 200 participants were sentenced to a total term of about 2,000 years in prison, including eight leaders, 37 criminal brigadiers. this is how we saw the story of the defeat of the organized criminal group saransky, and also told about the liquidation of the once powerful criminal clan from mordovia. this was our investigation from the bryansk region, only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia tv channel. in december 2023 for the murder of the director of the central bryansk market alexander ishchenko court sentenced the killer of the saransk group e