you're listening to 93.5 krts, marfa public radio. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sandro: this is where the mexican peoplero: que rico. gracias, ramona. [ anthony groans] you've been riding horses? >> anthony: yes, you've noticed? the groan as i sit down. mmm, that is a serious burrito. no rice and all that. this is the real deal, man. i love it. were you born here? you were born in mexico city? >> sandro: i was a fisherman in alaska for 19 years of my life. >> anthony: oh, yeah? >> sandro: in the bering sea. >> anthony: now, is it adobe or adobe? >> sandro: adobe. >> anthony: adobe. and you were quoted as saying "adobe" is political. >> sandro: yes, you're going to start with that question? >> anthony: yeah. i'm interested. ♪ >> sandro: straw, clay, water, and manure -- that's what makes the adobe. we make a flat surface here where we're going to put the water and the manure on top. adobe building has happened all over the world for thousands of years. ♪ ♪ >> sandro: here, historically, the adobe has been kept alive by the mexican and mexican-american populations. ♪ ♪ >> sandro: the traditional adobe, it