i have used a quote by margaret atwood. -- of word, a word, a word is our. -- power. if you want to lose weight -- by the way, there is no longer a top 10 list for new year's resolution. there are six. number one is live a more healthy lifestyle. number two has to do with eating healthy. three was lose weight. for was spent time with family and friends. five was spend less. six is get out of debt. then, we stop. if you say to me, i want to lose weight -- you cannot say, i want to be thin. that does not work. why don't we choose a word? svelt, powerful -- choose a word. if you want a better love life, don't whine that you are not say, i want to be revered, cared for. you know what, you can lean on that word, developed up word, that could be who you are. if you think about someone who wants to lose weight, and then they go by the ice cream section at the grocery store -- i tried to help people choose words that will last, that you can lean on. tim: i like the words. one of my goals is been more quality time with friends and what is my word for that? pamela: balance. tim