i mean, it's what margaret atwood foretold. tell me what it was like to play that when you thought maybe hillary was going to win. and then when she didn't. and all of that progress was was rolled back and is now being rolled back. a lot of it. >> um, it's hard. it's it's invigorating to work on those things. um, it's interesting, though, because we went through an entire cycle in the six years that we made that show. we we had the moment of protest, and then we came back out and we thought, wow, we something was achieved here. these voices were heard. we saw those red outfits, those crimson clothes appear outside of congress, and we were making an effect. and then the show was just wrapped. and we're in a different world again. and i think one of the pieces of solace that we can take in this moment is that time is long. you hit a certain age, i think, where you look at, you look at the cycles and things will change. there is hope. the arc of this is going to be long. this is a problem that another generation is going to have t