with moynihan and margaret chase smith, we also need to contextualize our debates about our largest nationalnges with facts and data. we need to agree on what problems we're trying to solve before we bicker about which programs will be more and less effective toward those ends. we need to challenge those in our own party not to construct strawman arguments with those we are debating. but there is something else that we need as well. beyond policy advocating and policy clarifying, we need an overarching, shared narrative of what america means. we need to pause to regularly recall the larger american principles that bind us together. our constitutional creed, our shared stories and our exceptional american commitment to a dream of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all 320 million of our countrymen and women. we all know in our marriages that sometimes the only way around a small disagreement is to pause to embrace again our larger shared commitments and our history. we need more of that here. we need to be able more often to agree on some big things before we get to the work of ho