on the other side, most of the printers shut down and only margaret draper and her journeyman, john howe, kept the boston newsletter running x. the pages are getting smaller, and the type is not quite so good, and, um, it's becoming irregular, but they did their best. is so both sides were trying to support their side of the war. they were part of the overall political effort of the conflict. >> and an interesting observation that i made in the production of this book was that the quality of the american newspapers kind of deteriorates, the quality of the paper that the newspapers were printed on tends to deteriorate or seems of significantly less quality in the middle of the war. and so if you flip through the book and you look just at the american newspapers, you can see in 1777 through about 1780 the quality of the paper is less than you would find before the war starts and at the end of the war. but to your point about the fast be ship, another interesting tidbit that i read in a 1766 london chronicle was the, it's the issue in which they announce the repeal of the stamp act. and one