. >> thank you, my name is margaret fisher with the department of public health. i came this morning in my scrubs because i came directly from a screening of our preschoolers in our state subjectssidized preschools. many children have experienced decay. some low income families are especially susceptible. so 39 percent of our state is subsidized children of preschool already have decay. soda consumption nearly doubles the risk and increases likelihood in adults. the cost of sugar based drinks, the cost of sugar and dental decay is a cost. the cost for 3-year-old is about $10,000. by seeing children earlier preventative dental services saves money. safety net dental clinics like the dph dental services provide critical preventative treatment. unfortunately access to a preventative dental treatment continue to be a major obstacle to having healthy teeth. i include nutritional guidance. clinics are under staffed and dental appointments will become harder. in 2007, we had 1263 emergency room visits due to dental problems. you know the cost of emergency room visits. ni