i'm joined by margaret hagen. margaret, behind you is a beautiful water fall, but where's the pond? water feature. so the water comes down, it goes in to a retaining box and gets recirculated. site goes over and over and over again. reporter: now, we see them installing part of the patio here, and what is unique or special about this patio? >> so this is a perveious paving system, people next to water bodies may need something like this because they have to keep their storm water on site. the way it works is that you put in a ground material that's fairly large, then you put in quarter inch stone, and you follow it up with bedding stone. and that happens before you even put a single paver down. and the idea is that it will hold water so that it infiltrates. so anything coming up through a deck or driveway or roof. reporter: i have pavers here, so we can see that there are different sizes. >> right. this paver is a little larger and thicker. the idea is that because there's a little space, not that big a space, a little space between the pavers, about a quarter inch, then you fill it