but the actual experience of the children's home in the person who brought me up, margaret hurst, who boundaries... i guess what i'm asking is a very simple question in the end, which is, reflecting on a long career in the police force, and reflecting on the links between criminality and environments, are you now a man who believes that those who choose to indulge in criminality are driven more by nature or nurture? well, i think i was a product of my upbringing, really. and the fact i was brought up by somebody who was very loving, said very clear boundaries for me, tell me the difference between right and wrong, and i had positive dealings, clearly, with the police, and the police officers in my life were role models and were very positive individuals. i think men, particularly young men, need — you need good, strong male role models. my experience was a good one. and i loved the policing. i didn't like the racism. and i wouldn't have done anything else. and i'm glad that i ignored all those people, including friends, teachers, and my mother, my natural mother and father, who i didn