they've been having and to write them up in a memo to convince his colleagues that they should hire margaret reed. he would also like them to hire dorothy brady. so eventually, margaret is hired. brady gets like a one or two year position and then from there they move the the project moves forward. there's one last facet of his interest and his connection with women economists, and that goes the way friedman was always interested in approaches, economic life approaches, economic analysis that were established and was much slower than rest of his colleagues to say now that economics is becoming more quantitative and mathematical and model driven, we can sort of set aside all the other work that's been done and. typically, women economists worked consumption. they were figuring out who bought and sold what they were deeply empirical, adding up who, how many yams did this household buy? what did they for a funeral? do they have a larger border? so they were immersed in this sort of empirical research that most economists of friedman status had decided was sort of old news. but friedman was like, wel